Laptop Notebook Cool Pad Fans
I searched FOREVER trying to decide on a fan for my new Vaio but I couldn't bring myself to spend a bunch of money on something I couldn't examine first. So I finally broke down and bought this one because it was cheap and got decent reviews. When I got it I was glad that the fans were positioned perfectly for the vents on my laptop. You would think the light would be annoying but it's really not noticable once you sit the laptop on it.
My only gripes are that the fans are open on the bottom so you can't sit it on your lap or bed or w/e without sitting a book or a laptop stand up under the fan. Also the other side of the usb hookup is fairly sharp and I'm always scratching myself on it by accident :( but it doesn't do any real damage it's just a bit of a nuisance.
To date my computer has never shut down due to overheating and for a cheap little laptop cooler it works perfectly. I would highly reccomend at least giving it a try.
Get your Laptop Notebook Cool Pad Fans Now!
I am looking for a laptop cooling pad, preferably with the one with extra usb ports. Please suggest a suitable one for me. It will be better if you can suggest one with foldable table stands. My budget is under 2000K.
BalasHapusI am looking for a laptop cooling pad that will keep my laptop cool when i am playing high end games and alot of multimedia. whats the best one i can get?
BalasHapusI have a 17" HP Pavilion laptop & it gets very hot. I've gone through 4 cooling pads/fans. Is there a really good, heavy duty cooling pad/fan out there?
BalasHapusthat operates on battery? As I want it to keep the notebook cool, and minimise fan use I don't want one with usb as that will use more battery power which defeats the object. I have a 10 inch screen notebook
BalasHapusI have an Acer Aspire laptop which is pretty old. When I play games like Sims 3 and an MMORPG game my laptop overheats and shuts down in around half an hour or less. I have a slanted cooling pad and my laptop is on a wood-ish desk. There is also something wrong with the battery because I always used to have it on the charger (not knowing that u weren't supposed to) and now it can't live without a charger. Please help me with this really annoying issue. Should I just get a new laptop?
BalasHapusMy HP laptop has been hot and it will go to 90C which is pretty hot and the fan is really loud. I need a cooling pad that I can pick up from Wal-Mart, Staples, Best Buy, etc. I can't shop online. I'm looking for one that's about $20-$60. Give me links if you can. I'm not sure which cooling pads are good or actually last long so please help me.